It's already known that we're in the age of technology and that it has a great role in our society. Instead of steering clear from it, as future Speech-Language Pathologists, we should embrace it. I've already Pintrest before... and you should indeed join that website as well! There are so many SLPs and students studying to be one on that site. They pin great websites, activities, ideas, etc for our profession. To go along with this, I've compiled a list (not super exhaustive) of groups on Facebook and trends/ people on twitter to check out. These are just places to start, as there are many others, and they will give you an extra resource and network for your career.
- Future SLPs (Speech - Language Pathologists)
-IMAGAS ( Insight, Mentoring, And Guidance for Aspiring SLPs)
-National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
- The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- the group for your state, like Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association

[…] Once you’ve put the puzzle together and found some viable schools that can fit into it, talk to current or past students. You can find some on the Facebook, GradCafe, and Twitter groups. You can view my post on social media […]